
Yes. You can always opt-out of electronic-only statement delivery. The opt-out buttons are present on the Search Statement page.

Yes. You can opt-in for electronic-only statement delivery for any account of your choice.

No. You must have a valid email address to opt-in for electronic-only statement delivery. The Email Address field is required and will generate an error message if the page is submitted with the field blank.

Yes. You need to be enrolled in online banking to receive e-statements.

If you have opted-in for electronic-only statement delivery, you will see On/Off buttons on the view e-Delivery Status page. Change the status to Off on each account or click the "Opt-Out for ALL Accounts" button.

There is no difference in the information on an electronic and paper versions of your statement.

  1. Go to www.gnty.com and sign-in on the homepage. Once you are signed in, you will see a list of your accounts on the right-hand side of the screen. Click on any account.

Estatement Enroll 1

  1. Click on “Statements & Documents” on the right-hand side of the screen.
  2. Click on “View e-Delivery Settings.
  3. Click “Opt-in for ALL Accounts” or you may individually select the account(s) you would like to receive E-statements for that individual account.
  4. Enter “Confirmation Code” into the confirmation code box. Click “Accept.”

Electronic-only statement delivery is a feature that offers account statements and disclosures in an electronic format only rather than in paper format. If you opt-in to this feature, then your statement will be available to you in Online Banking when it would have normally been mailed to you.